Friday, April 14, 2017

play list

f m y
*<div id="chartpanel">
<img id="bgi20170414f1832c" src="" /><br />
<span id="s"></span><span id="n"></span>
<span onmouseover="('1d')"></span>
<span onmouseover="('5d')"></span>
<span onmouseover="('d')"></span>
<span onmouseover="('a')"></span>
<span onmouseover="('w')"></span>
<span onmouseover="('m')"></span>
<div id="linkpanel">
<a href="" id="flink" target="_blank">f</a>
<a href="" id="mlink" target="_blank">m</a>
<a href="" id="ylink" target="_blank">y</a>
<div id="inputpanel">
<textarea id="bgi20170414f1832i"></textarea>
<a href="javascript:('get list')">get list</a>
<a href="javascript:('go to symbol')">go to symbol</a>
<div onmouseover="('n'">
<div onmouseover="('p')">

function bgi20170414f1832(request) {
if (request === "start") {start()}
if (request === "go to symbol") {gotosymbol()}
if (request === "1d") {i1()}
if (request === "5d") {i2()}
if (request === "d") {d()}
if (request === "a") {a()}
if (request === "w") {w()}
if (request === "m") {m()}
if (request === "n") {n()}
if (request === "p") {p()}

function putinchart(url) {document.getElementById("c").src = url}
function i1() {putinchart("" + document.getElementById("s").innerHTML + "&ty=c&ta=0&p=i3&b=1")}
function i5() {putinchart("" + document.getElementById("s").innerHTML + "&ty=c&ta=0&p=i15&b=1")}
function d() {putinchart("" + document.getElementById("s").innerHTML + "&ty=c&ta=0&p=d&b=1")}
function a() {putinchart("" + document.getElementById("s").innerHTML + "&ty=c&ta=1&p=d&b=1")}
function w() {putinchart("" + document.getElementById("s").innerHTML + "&ty=c&ta=0&p=w&b=1")}
function m() {putinchart("" + document.getElementById("s").innerHTML + "&ty=c&ta=0&p=m&b=1")}

function start() {document.getElementById("ll").innerHTML = document.getElementById("i").value.split("*s*").length;load(0)}
function load(number) {
document.getElementById("n").innerHTML = number
var r = document.getElementById("i").innerHTML.split(",")[number]
document.getElementById("s").innerHTML = r.split("*")[0]
document.getElementById("note").innerHTML = r.split("*")[1]
function next() {
var n = parseInt(document.getElementById("n").innerHTML)
var l = document.getElementById("i").value.split(",")
if (n < l.length) {load(n + 1)}}
function previous() {
var n = parseInt(document.getElementById("n").innerHTML)
var l = document.getElementById("i").value.split(",")
if (n > 0) {load(n - 1)}}



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