Monday, March 13, 2017


function next() {
var thecurrentlist = document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558thecurrentlist")
var thecurrentlistarray = thecurrentlist.innerHTML.split(" ")
var thecurrentlisttype = thecurrentlistarray[0]
var thecurrentpattern = thecurrentlistarray.join(" ")
var thislist = document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558" + thecurrentlisttype)
var thislistarray = thislist.innerHTML.split("<br />")
var thischart = document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558this" + thecurrentlisttype)
var thischartnumber = parseInt(thischart.innerHTML)
for (var i = thischartnumber + 1; i < thislistarray.length; i = i + 1) {
var thischartrecord = thislistarray[i]
var thischartrecordarray = thischartrecord.split(" ")
var thischartpattern = thischartrecordarray.join(" ")
if (thischartpattern === thecurrentpattern) {
thischart.innerHTML = i
i = thislistarray.length}}

the current updater is a number
the current record is a number
the current list is a string: list type plus the pattern
there are two this list records
one for the updater list, one for the record list
the updater list id is sns20170311sa1558theupdaterlist

now that we have the this list array
we search it
forward from
the current record
there are two current records, one for the updater list, one for the record list
sns20170311sa1558thisupdater, sns20170311sa1558thisrecord
there are two list records, one for the updater list, one for the record list
document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558thecurrentlist") describes the current list
type pattern

there is one current list record: type(updater,record) pattern
there are two current chart records
sns20170311sa1558thisupdater and sns20170311sa1558thisrecord
there are two lists
sns20170311sa1558updater and sns20170311sa1558record

now we want to search this list (thislistarray)
forward from this chart (thischartnumber)
a chart with a matching pattern

if (thecurrentlisttype === "updater") {
var thelist = document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558theupdaterlist")
var thecurrentpattern = document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558thecurrentupdater")}
else {var thelist = document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558therecordlist")
var thecurrentpattern = document.getElementById("sns20170311sa1558thecurrentrecord")}
var thelistarray = thelist.innerHTML.split("<br />")
for (var i = parseInt(thecurrentchart.innerHTML); i < thelistarray.length; i = i + 1) {
var thispattern = thepattern(thelistarray[i])
var thislistingarray = thislisting.split(" ")
var thispattern = thislistingarray.join(" ")
if (

function thepattern(thelisting) {
var thelistingarray = thelisting.split(" ")
return thelistingarray.join(" ")}

function thislist(thecurrentlisttype) {
return document.getElementById(thecurrentl

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