Thursday, March 23, 2017

two charts plus links

get charts and links


<input id="sns20170323th1400i" /><a href="javascript:sns20170323th1400()" style="color: goldenrod;">get charts and links</a>
<br />
<div id="sns20170323th1400p">
<div id="sns20170323th1400c">

function sns20170323th1400() {
var sampledailyrecord = ""
var sampledailyupdater = ",sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20&p=d&s=l"
var samplefinvizlink = ""
var samplemarketwatchlink = ""
var therecord = document.getElementById("sns20170323th1400i")
var thepreview = document.getElementById("sns20170323th1400p")
var thecode = document.getElementById("sns20170323th1400c")
var thesymbol = therecord.value.split("/")[therecord.value.split("/").length - 1].split("c")[0]
var p = ""
p = p + '<a href="' + therecord.value + '" imageanchor="1">'
p = p + '<img src="' + therecord.value + '" style="width:200px" /></a>'
var theupdaterlink = "" + thesymbol + "&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20&p=d&s=l"
p = p + '<a href="' + theupdaterlink + '" imageanchor="1"><img src="' + theupdaterlink + '" style="width:200px" /></a>'
var thefinvizlink = "" + thesymbol
var themarketwatchlink = "" + thesymbol + "/charts"
p = p + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' + thefinvizlink + '" style="font-size:2em;color:burlywood"'
p = p + ' target="_blank">f</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' + themarketwatchlink + '"'
p = p + ' style="font-size:2em;color:burlywood" target="_blank">m</a>'
thepreview.innerHTML = p
var c = ""
c = c + '&lt;a href="' + therecord.value + '" imageanchor="1"&gt;'
c = c + '&lt;img src="' + therecord.value + '" style="width:200px" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;'
var theupdaterlink = "" + thesymbol + "&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20&p=d&s=l"
c = c + '&lt;a href="' + theupdaterlink + '" imageanchor="1"&gt;&lt;img src="' + theupdaterlink + '" style="width:200px" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;'
c = c + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;a href="' + thefinvizlink + '" style="font-size:2em;color:burlywood"'
c = c + ' target="_blank"&gt;f&lt;/a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;a href="' + themarketwatchlink + '"'
c = c + ' style="font-size:2em;color:burlywood" target="_blank"&gt;m&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt;'
thecode.innerHTML = c}



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