Saturday, February 18, 2017


<span id="thedatabase">
<span class="pattern">
<span class="record"></span>
<span class="label">ascending caterpillar, in caterpillar, on shrub, from descending caterpillar, dangling from twig, at cliff bottom</span>
<span class="pattern">
<span class="record"></span>
<span class="label">descending caterpillar, in diamond, dangling from shrub, out of shrub, at the bottom of a slope</span>
<span class="pattern">
<span class="record"></span>
<span class="label">pearl, in dipping rising caterpillar, in caterpillar, at the bottom of a cliff</span>
<span class="pattern">
<span class="record"></span>
<span class="label">short descending caterpillar, on a pole, out of a descending caterpillar, at the bottom of a descending caterpillar</span>

function listthefirstpatterntypes() {
var thedatabase = document.querySelector("#thedatabase .pattern")
for (var i = 0; i < thedatabase.length; i = i + 1) {

not working

<span id="thedatabase">*label*ascending caterpillar, in caterpillar, on shrub, from descending caterpillar, dangling from twig, at cliff bottom*pattern**label*descending caterpillar, in diamond, dangling from shrub, out of shrub, at the bottom of a slope*pattern**label*pearl, in dipping rising caterpillar, in caterpillar, at the bottom of a cliff*pattern**label*short descending caterpillar, on a pole, out of a descending caterpillar, at the bottom of a descending caterpillar*pattern**label*mountain, in short descending caterpillar, in caterpillar, on tussock, at the bottom of a mountain, at the bottom of a caterpillar cliff, from a ledge*pattern**label*two green soldiers pearl, in heel and toe cliff, out of flag, in caterpillar*pattern**label*mountain, in ascending caterpillar, dangling from a sprout, out of a long bracket, at the bottom of a cliff, out of a ledge, at the bottom of a cliff*pattern**label*mountain, in caterpillar, at the bottom of a dome, in a descending caterpillar*pattern**label*figurehead, in a canyon bottom boat*pattern**label*pick, in descending caterpillar canyon bottom, at the bottom of a cliff, off of a slope*pattern**label*mountain, just under a super giant wedge</span>

function listthefirstpatterntypes() {
var thelabels = ""
var thedatabase = document.getElementById("thedatabase").split("*pattern*")
for (var i = 0; i < thedatabase.length; i = i + 1) {
var therecord = thedatabase[i].split("*label*")
var theurl = therecord[0]; var thelabel = therecord[1].split(",")
var firstlabel = thelabel[0]
if (isthelabelonthelist(firstlabel) === "no") {
if (thelabels != "") {thelabels = thelabels + ","}
thelabels = thelabels + firstlabel}} return thelabels}
if (i < thedatabase.length - 1) { thelabels

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