Saturday, February 25, 2017

function msns20170225sa1747(request)

// from thinking about the sorter

function msns20170225sa1747(request) {

if (request === "sort to list") {sorttolist()}

if (request === "get new list") {getnewlist()}

if (request === "add history") {addhistory()}

function next(listname) {}

a record is created when we sort a stock to a category

stocks can be sorted to record categories

i mean, the unsorted list ...

let's see ... !

we might input a new list

some of the stocks on that list might already have been sorted to categories

how would we find out?

function hasthisbeensortedq() {}
if (hasthisbeensortedq() === "yes") {}

function nextunsortedstock() {}
nextunsortedstock() gets called when we're in sorting mode
meaning, when we're sorting a new list ... into the database

a stock gets sorted to a list when it becomes of interest
all stocks are of interest

ah ... an insight

sorting a stock into the system sets up an observation page
if the observation is of the buy type
at some point we will want to move it into a record category
when we do that we also split it into a new track or buy category

i'm not sure that's quite right
if a stock is in a bought category
at some point it will either move up or down ... or sideways
and we might want to record an additional observation

function addobservation() {}

so a single record could eventually contain multiple observations

surrounding the record chart are
a next / previous button set ... the next or previous observation for that record
a monthly / weekly / daily button set
which works for each observation
a next / previous set which goes to the next observation on this list

if (request === "next observation") {}
if (request === "previous observation {}
if (request === "monthly observation") {}
if (request === "weekly observation") {}
if (request === "daily observation") {}
if (request === "hourly observation") {}
if (request === "fifteen minute observation") {}
if (request === "next stock") {}
if (request === "previous stock") {}
if Irequest === "new category") {}
if (request === "new list") {}
if (request === "return to new list") {}
if (request === "save new list") {}
if (request === "save the database") {}
if (request === "create new list") {}

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